Water/Sewer Department
Cold Spring residents are billed for water usage every two months. Water and sewer usage bills are combined. There is a base charge for water of $11.00. For every 1,000 gallons - 20,999 gallons of water used there is a fee of $2.10. There is a charge of $2.65 per thousand gallons for 21,000 gallons - 50,999 gallons, and a charge of $6.75 per thousand gallons for over 51,000 gallons.
Sewer rates are based on water consumption in January and February every year. This usage will set the maximum for each residence as far as sewer is concerned. There is a bimonthly surcharge of $20.00 for sewer usage. Every gallon of water used up to the maximum set in January and February is charged at a rate of $7.56 for every 1,000 gallons. There is also a MN Dept of Health (MDH) test fee billed every 2 months at a fee of $1.06.
The City of Cold Spring also charges a fee for stormwater that is charged every other month and is included on the water/sewer bills. The fee charged is $4.00.
Water/sewer bills may be paid by mail; however, they may also be delivered directly to City Hall between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or, placed in the drop box outside of City Hall’s front doors. Automatic payment withdrawal is also available for water/sewer bill payments. Late charges are 6% of the bill.
Other electronic payment options are also available for a fee through Payment Service Network, Inc. To view these options follow this link.
Call City Hall for any other questions you may have (320)685-3653.