Detached Garage
Fee Paid
If the permit was applied for after construction began the applicant must pay 1 1/2 times the normal permit fee. If a variance is required then the applicant must pay 1 1/2 times that fee amount also.
Acurate Site Plan Submitted
The site plan must be neatly drawn to scale; grid paper is available at City Hall if needed. Be sure to draw, label and show dimensions and distances for houses, alleys, lot dimensions, wells, north directional arrow, sidewalks, driveways, utility sheds, streets, property lines, decks and easements.
Property is Located in Shoreland District
If the property is located in the Shoreland District there are special provisions that apply; see Section 15.
No Other Detached Garages on Property
Section 5, Subdivision 8.a allows only one detached garage per parcel.
Garage is at Least Ten Feet from House
Section 17, Subd. 3.1 stipulates that the garage must be located at least ten feet from the nearest point of the house, or the garage is not considered to be “detached”; in which case an entirely different set of rules apply.
Garage Is Not Located in the Front Yard
Section 17, Subd. 3.2 stipulates that the garage shall not be located in the front yard, which is determined by the direction to which the house is oriented.
Height Restrictions
Section 17, Subd. 3.3 stipulates that the height of the garage cannot exceed fourteen feet; with the exception that a garage may exceed fourteen feet in height as long as the garage pitch is no greater than the predominant pitch of the house and the height of the wall does not exceed nine feet.
Lot Coverage Requirements Are Not Exceeded
Section 17, Subd. 3.3 stipulates that the total area of the garage cannot exceed 30% of the rear yard if it is located there, or 30% of the side yard if it is located there.
Section 5, Subd. 2.8 stipulates that a detached Private Garage may not contain more that 1,200 square feet or 60% of the square footage of the Dwelling, whichever is less.
Setbacks Are Met
Section 17, Subd. 3.3 stipulates that the garage cannot be nearer than five feet at the outermost point (usually the eave) to the rear or side yards. Section 5, Subd. 4.2 stipulates that the garage cannot be nearer than 25 feet to the property line along any street.
Not Located Within Any Easement
Property owners are prohibited from locating any permanent structures within any easement on their property. Information on the existence of such easements can be obtained by reviewing the plat map for the property.
Exterior Finish of Like Material and Design
The exterior finish, roof and roof lines and roof pitch of all accessory structures exceeding 120 square feet shall match as close as possible the exterior finish of the dwelling on the lot.
The final two provisions are the responsibility of the property owner.
v location of Relevant property markers have been demonstrated
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to measure the distance of the garage from the property boundaries, not from the curb or any unofficial markers such as fences, trees or objects of that nature. In virtually every instance, property markers have been placed to note the boundaries of your property. It is not uncommon for a homeowner to be unable to locate these markers, due to the fact that they often are covered during landscaping or may simply be overgrown. Metal detectors will often assist in locating these markers; they are available for rent at the local hardware store. You will not be allowed to begin construction until you have demonstrated to the Building Inspector where the property markers are in relation to your stakes for the garage.
v Inspections completed
It is your responsibility to arrange the necessary inspections at the appropriate points during construction. Inspector David Barsody can be reached at 612-219-2252. Other inspections may be required, depending upon the nature of your specific project.
__ Concrete: Call after all work is set up, mesh laid, rods wired in, etc.; but prior to pouring concrete!
__ Framing: Call after the roof, all framing, and any bracing is in place, rough electrical (if any) is approved, but prior to the application of any siding or roof covering materials.
__ Final: Call upon completion of the building and finish grading.