Were you a victim of a crime or domestic abuse?

Cold Spring Police recommend you visit the Stearns County Attorney's Office website for information on victim assistance and victim rights:



Central Minnesota's Task Force on Battered Women:



  1. You can ask the city or county attorney to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to go to court and file a petition requesting an Order for Protection from domestic abuse. The order would include the following:
    1. an order restraining the abuser from further acts of abuse
    2. an order directing the abuser to leave your household
    3. an order preventing the abuser from entering your home (or reasonable area around your home), school, business, or place of employment.
    4. an order awarding you or the other parent custody of/or visitation of your minor child or children;
    5. an order directing the abuser to pay support to you and the minor of the abuser has a court order to do so.
  2. You also have the right to notification if prosecution of the case is declined or criminal charges are dismissed.


You can obtain help in getting your Order for Protection from the Womens Shelter at 1-800-950-2203.

Important phone numbers for victims

  • Assistance for Domestic Assault Victims

Womens shelter   320-253-6900 or 1-800-950-2203

St Cloud Intervention 320-251-7203

Rivers of hope 763-441-0792

  • Assitance for sexual assualt victims

Central MN sexual assualt center 1-800-237-5090

  • General Crime victims

Stearns County Attorney's Office 320-656-3880

  • Statewide referral services (24hours)


  • Assistance for bias/hate crimes

St. Cloud human rights office 320-650-3133