Dog Licenses
The City of Cold Spring requires residents to license their dogs each year. Licenses need to be renewed annually and are valid until January 1st of each year. A record of current rabies shot must be provided for each dog along with payment. A fee of $5.00 will be charged for neutered male dog or spayed female dog, and $10.00 for all others.
All dog licenses must be renewed by January 31st to avoid a $10 late surcharge. If a license is still not renewed a $50 citation will be issued to the dog owner for failing to license their dog.
The owner will be provided with a metal city dog tag to be attached to the collar of the dog, which must be worn continuously. Dog license records are maintained at City Hall and should a dog get loose, owners will be contacted.
Dogs that are running at large in the City will be picked up by the Cold Spring Police Department and placed in the City pound. Staff will contact the owner of the pet by referencing the tag number to the license record. Owners will be charged $10 for an impound fee, and $10.00 per day for kennel charges. A dog at large that does not have a current licensed may be subject to an administrative fine.
Contact the Cold Spring Vet Clinic at 685-3237 or email at to request to have your dogs shot records faxed to City Hall at (685-8551Fax)