
Cold Spring Police Department's Website

The Cold Spring Police Department provides Police services for the City of Cold Spring and the City of Richmond in Stearns County.

The agency consists of eleven Officers, including a Chief of Police, two Patrol Sergeants, K9 Officer, School Resource Officer, seven full time Officers, and an administrative assistant. Our department is a participant in the anti-drug program CounterAct and teaches these classes for the Rocori School District.

You may reach an Officer 24 hours a day at (320) 685-8666 or through our dispatch with the Stearns County Sheriff's Office at (320) 251-4240.

View our D.A.R.E Car

Contact Police Chief Blum

Chief Blum welcomes your comments and suggestions, he has included the new Minnesota gun permit link and contact information and email information for his Officers.

Anonymous Tip/Complaint Form

Inform the Cold Spring Police Department of crime information; register comments, suggestions, appreciation or complaints with Chief anonymously.

Minnesota's Most Wanted

Information on Minnesota sex offenders and the most wanted persons in Minnesota and Stearns County.

"TED FOSS" Move Over Law

Help keep Police, Firefighters and other Emergency Service Persons safe with state statute 169.18 subd. 11.