Cold Spring Economic Development Authority (CSEDA)

Meetings: The Cold Spring EDA meets the second Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, unless otherwise specified.

The EDA's Mission:

The mission of the Cold Spring EDA is to ensure the sustainability and viability of the community and to maximize community assets.  With a focus on community development that is consistent with the community’s objectives the EDA will work to maintain an abundant and diversified economic base through the judicious use of resources.

The Cold Spring EDA recognizes the importance of…

  • The sustainability and viability of the community over a perceived need to expand or expand at all costs.  This principal is based upon the belief that growth does not necessarily indicate prosperity.
  •  Maximizing community assets over simply expanding the community’s economic base.  This principal is based upon the belief that the objective of expanding a community’s economic base is in most cases only the means to an end, with that end being a maximization of the goods and services available to residents, whether public or private.
  • Emphasizing community development over economic development. This principal is based upon the belief that the objectives commonly associated with economic development are merely a subset of the objectives associated with community development; with the latter incorporating a greater importance for community assets.
  • The belief that ideally all development should bring the community closer to the objectives the community has established, to a large degree in its comprehensive plan.  Furthermore, that development which is inconsistent with the community’s objectives possesses a lower value, or may even be undesired.
  • Maintaining an economic base that is not only abundant, but is also abundantly diversified.  This principal is based upon the belief that a diverse industrial base provides a greater level of employment opportunity for the community’s residents and a more stable tax base.  More importantly that a diverse commercial base provides a higher degree of variety among the goods and services available to its residents, and that all existing commerce benefits from diversity.
  • A comprehension of the scarcity of resources; particularly natural, human and financial resources.  This principal is based upon the belief that an over-utilization of a particular resource threatens to disrupt the balance required for sustainability and often leads demands for the contribution of greater public resources.  Above all, that public resources are limited and should be utilized most judiciously.


Adopted November 14, 2001

 EDA Commissioners

Jim Kraemer 

Victoria Fall

Brittany Harrington

Doug Schmitz- Liaison

Fran Ramler- Liaison


Community Projects

  • 2021 Cold Spring Strategic Planning Session: The Joint Action Committee (EDA members, Cold Spring Area Chamber of Commerce, and ROCORI School District staff) organized a Strategic Planning Session with local business owners, City officials, EDA members, the Cold Spring Area Chamber of Commerce members, staff from the ROCORI School District, local organization leaders, and community members representing community groups to complete a SWOT Analysis and brainstorming session to gather actionable ideas on how to improve the Cold Spring area. The report of the session can be found attached here.